The crew at Oakland Urban Paths is taking August off from our regular second Saturday of every month schedule. But have no fear! We’ll be back in September with another walk exploring Oakland.
In the mean time, here are some other walking resources to keep you busy:
- City of Oakland Walking Tours – (free) Wednesdays and Saturdays
- Oakland Heritage Alliance – ($10-$15) Saturdays and Sundays
- Mountain View Cemetery – (free) 2nd and 4th Saturdays
- Savor Oakland Food Tours – ($49-$59, includes food) see website for schedule
Each organization and walk leader has a different approach to their walks, with a different mix of history, culture and walking. But all the walks are interesting and informative.
We also encourage you to get out and explore Oakland on your own!
October’s OUP walk will be exploring Butters Canyon with local historian Dennis Evanosky. Other ideas for upcoming OUP walks include the work of Julia Morgan, following the 10,000 Steps project downtown, and public art. We’re always looking for more ideas for walks around Oakland, so if you have an idea for a walk, go test it out and let us know.