On Wednesday, July 4th, Stan Dodson of OaklandTrails.org led a large group on a hike from the Dimond to Joaquin Miller Park, with a return by bus. We had near-perfect weather for a hike, a bit overcast at the start to keep things cool.
A larger than expected group of 55-60 people set out from La Farine Bakery on Fruitvale Avenue. Despite the group size, we made good time as we followed trails up the Sausal Creek watershed.
Some people opted to return by bus at the 4 mile mark near the meadow; others continued to the 5 mile mark near Roberts Recreation Area. But a hearty group stuck around for the full 7.5 mile hike, ending in front of Joaquin Miller’s Abbey. I think we were all relieved to get on the bus to take us back to our starting point.
More photos from the hike are here.
Special thanks to Stan for leading us on the hike, and to his brother Gary for being the caboose to our long train. Here’s a note from Stan:
A special thanks to Oakland Urban Paths for inviting Oakland Trails to lead a hike on July 4! As promised, here are some links that may be helpful:
- To download a map of the trail system from Dimond Park to Joaquin Miller Park, visit: https://oaklandtrails.org/maps/
- To watch our first documentary, Trailhead (2015), visit: https://oaklandtrails.org/watch/
- To sign up as a member, and to receive our newsletter and invitations to member-only events, visit: https://oaklandtrails.org/sign-up/
Thanks again, and see you on the trails!
Stan Dodson
Oakland Trails
Oakland Trails is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to promoting, maintaining, and enhancing the City of Oakland’s wildland parks and trails.